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GEAR Retreat 2017

August 6-12, 2017, Stanford University

Sam Ballas (Florida State) Generalized cusps in convex projective manifolds

Olivier Biquard (ENS-Paris) Hitchin component for SL(∞,R)

Kenneth Bromberg (Utah) The gradient flow of renormalized volume

Marc Burger (ETH) Compactifying the space of maximal representations

Brian Collier (Maryland) The geometry of maximal representations

Simion Filip (Harvard) Integral-affine structures, with singularities

Jeremy Kahn (Brown) Surface subgroups for non-uniform lattices

Fanny Kassel (IHES) Convex projective structures and Anosov representations

Autumn Kent (Wisconsin) On word hyperbolic surface bundles

Francois Labourie (Nice) Surface groups in uniform lattices of simple complex group

Christopher Leininger (Illinois) Surface bundles over Teichmüuller curves

Qiongling Li (Caltech) Cyclic Higgs bundles on noncompact surfaces

Sara Maloni (Virginia) The geometry of quasi-Hitchin symplectic Anosov representations

Kathryn Mann (Berkeley) Characterizing Fuchsian representations by topological rigidity

Martin Möller (Frankfurt) Smooth compactifications of strata of abelian differentials

Andrew Neitzke (Texas) Precision studies of nonabelian Hodge for irregular Higgs bundles on CP1-S

Beatrice Pozzetti (Warwick) The geometry of maximally framed representations

Carlos Simpson (Nice) Betti Hitchin fibration

Nicolas Tholozan (ENS) A Highest Teichmüller space?

Tian Yang (Stanford) Volume Conjectures for Reshetikhin-Turaev and Turaev-Viro invariants

Tengren Zhang (Caltech) The Goldman symplectic form and the Hitchin component